渥太华北京 Ottawa Beijing
标题: 三月七元宵节晚会报名 [打印本页]
作者: jiangbo 时间: 2015-2-8 18:45
标题: 三月七元宵节晚会报名
本帖最后由 jiangbo 于 2015-2-20 14:39 编辑
还记得以前正月十五在北京闹元宵的事儿吧?咱北京人就爱热闹!想交朋友的您那,一定别错过咱北京协会的充满京味儿的羊年元宵晚会!咱有五彩灯谜,让您开动脑筋;咱有传统京剧,让您感受梨园;咱有京味儿原创相声,原创小品,让您开怀大笑。别光顾乐了,还得考考你咱老北京的那点事儿。您要想看看北京协会哪个兴趣小组好玩,那就请您“中关村”里走一走,“养生堂”里站一站,“ 钓鱼台”边坐一坐,“渥香村”里尝一尝,“四季青”里摘点果儿,再和“俏格格”逗逗乐。当然啦,元宵晚会最少不了的就是吃元宵了。和北京的新朋老友在一起团团圆圆,一定让您真真儿地叫好!
地点:加华文化中心 397 Kent Street
门票:16岁以上 $5/人,16岁以下免费
作者: TangRuolong 时间: 2015-2-9 11:21
Hello there,
I'd like to register for 2 adults and 2 kids,
作者: jiangbo 时间: 2015-2-14 16:38
标题: 参加晚会通过我报名的有
本帖最后由 jiangbo 于 2015-3-6 14:09 编辑
JennyGuan(2adult 1kid),GuangRongDeng(3adult 1 kid),HellenSu,YaoFen, GuoTianShu/XueMei(2 adult),Leo Li(2 adults),zhaoJuan(1 adult 1 kid)DongShengYu(2 adult 1 kid), ZiYuWang( 2adult 1 kid),zhengLeiLing,ChengYiFan(2),WangWeiPing(3adult。3 kid), HuYe(1), ZhangMin(4 adults 1 kid),TaoYe (2adults2kids),ZhaoZhiGang(1),ZhaoYongGuang(2),Kevin,MaWenHao,ZhuYingMei(2adult,2kid), YuHang(6 seniors),ZhaoWenDong(2),LiuLi/WangWenHui(+1kid),JiLiang, MaChunYan(4 adults, 2kids),JieNa Dong(2adults 1 kid),Irma(2adults, 1kid),FanZhenYu,GuoYuQiu,ZhuKeYuan,WuYiYan,WangHaiYing, ShiJi(2adult,2kids),WangXuan(2),XiaoPing(4adults,2kids),ShuDing(2),Kim,ZhaoZiWen,ZhangMeiZhe(1ADULT 1 KID), ChangWenBin(4adult), JinHeShan(3adult,2kids)
协会成员:JerryZeng(2adult,1kid),Gang(1), TeresaHuang(2adults,2kids), XingLing(2), Cheng GuoXiang(2adults),Chengshan/ZhangYuQiang, YangYang, Bo Jiang/Lucy,
ZhangZhiHai(2+5), XieTAO(2), Matian, DingLan, WuYuhang, Susan(2), PengWenSheng, TangRuoLong(4), ChenPing/Daili(3),ZhuLiYing(2), KouLinHong(2), WuJinHe(2), MaZhanQuan(2), GuXIaoJiang(2),XuPing(2), LuFang/XiaoHong(2),YangHeSheng(2),LuYan, Christine He(2),DaiGaoLe, Jennifer Xie,XiaShan(2),DuYunSheng/WangShuJie,XuxuDong/XuShaoPing,ShaoYue(2),BaiShan(3adult 1kid),YuHua,JenifferXie,LiangJi,FangZhenyuinca,LinPing(2),XieZheng(2adult, two kids),Qitang/ZhangRuiLan,HuangJianHu(2),GaoZiYi(2adult,2kids),WangYing(2), Linda(1adult 2kids),
作者: sys 时间: 2015-2-16 21:33
ChenGuoXiang,LuoGANG, XinLing 已经报名。
作者: sys 时间: 2015-3-3 23:07
作者: sys 时间: 2015-3-3 23:08
作者: sys 时间: 2015-3-4 18:01
叔丁报名 (两位)
作者: sys 时间: 2015-3-4 18:01
叔丁报名 (两位)
作者: jiangbo 时间: 2015-3-7 13:19
The Ottawa Beijing Association does not provide liability insurance forthe protection of individuals, groups, organizations, businesses, spectators,or others who may participate in the Yuan Xiao Party held on March 7, 2015 (the“Activity”).
In consideration for your participation in said Activity, theindividual, group, organization, business, spectator, or other, does herebyrelease and forever discharge the Ottawa Beijing Association, and its officers,board, employees and volunteers, jointly and severally from any and allactions, causes of actions, claims and demands for, upon or by reason of anydamage, loss or injury, which hereafter may be sustained by participating inthe Activity.
This release extends and applies to, and also covers and includes, allunknown, unforeseen, unanticipated and unsuspected injuries, damages, loss andliability and the consequences thereof, as well as those now disclosed andknown to exist. The provisions of anystate, federal, local or territorial law or state providing substance thatreleases shall not extend to claims, demands, injuries, or damages which areknown or unsuspected to exist at this time, to the person executing suchrelease, are hereby expressly waived.
I hereby agree on behalf of my heirs, executors, administrators, andassigns, to indemnify the Ottawa Beijing Association and its officers, board, employeesand volunteers, joint and severally from any and all actions, causes ofactions, claims and demands for, upon or by reason of any damage, loss orinjury, which hereafter may be sustained by participating in the Activity.
It is further understood and agreed that said participation in the Activityis not to be construed as an admission of any liability and acceptance ofassumption of responsibility by the Ottawa Beijing Association, its officers,board, employees and volunteers, jointly and severally, for all damages andexpenses for which the Ottawa Beijing Association, its officers, board,employees and volunteers, become liable as a result of any alleged act of theparade participant.
The Board of Directors
Ottawa Beijing Association
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