“渥香居” 饺子宴声明:1、凡是参加活动的朋友包括随行的小孩儿,有任何过敏体质的,要自行注意,确保,不会误食食物而发生意外。(当然我们组织者也尽量做好工作避免)2、凡是参加饺子宴的朋友们,必须要遵守现场组织者的指挥。如因个人的原因,没有听从指挥,而发生烫伤,摔伤等意外情况,组织者概不负责。
LiabilityDisclaimer to All Participants
The Ottawa Beijing Association does not provide liability insurance forthe protection of individuals, groups, organizations, businesses, spectators,or others who may participate in the Dumpling Party held on January 31, 2015(the “Activity”). In consideration for your participation in said Activity, theindividual, group, organization, business, spectator, or other, does herebyrelease and forever discharge the Ottawa Beijing Association, and its officers,board, employees and volunteers, jointly and severally from any and allactions, causes of actions, claims and demands for, upon or by reason of anydamage, loss or injury, which hereafter may be sustained by participating inthe Activity. This release extends and applies to, and also covers and includes, allunknown, unforeseen, unanticipated and unsuspected injuries, damages, loss andliability and the consequences thereof, as well as those now disclosed andknown to exist. The provisions of anyprovincial, federal, local or territorial law shall not extend to claims,demands, injuries, or damages which are known or unsuspected to exist at thistime, to the person executing such release. All participants hereby agree on behalf of their heirs, executors, administrators,and assigns, to indemnify the Ottawa Beijing Association and its officers,board, employees and volunteers, joint and severally from any and all actions,causes of actions, claims and demands for, upon or by reason of any damage,loss or injury, which hereafter may be sustained by participating in the Activity. It is further understood and agreed that said participation in the Activityis not to be construed as an admission of any liability and acceptance ofassumption of responsibility by the Ottawa Beijing Association, its officers,board, employees and volunteers, jointly and severally, for all damages andexpenses for which the Ottawa Beijing Association, its officers, board,employees and volunteers, become liable as a result of any alleged act of theparade participant.
The Board of Directors Ottawa Beijing Association
对于渥太华北京协会及其各个兴趣小组举办的各类活动,渥太华北京协会无法为任何个人,团体,组织,商家,观礼者或任何到场的人提供任何人身意外伤害保险或任何形式的保险,也不对任何人身伤害导致的任何损失负有法律责任。参加者同意免去协会一切相关责任。 此免责声明并非为英文正规免责声明的翻译件,仅作为协助理解英文版声明的材料。如此中文声明和英文声明有任何不一致,所有解释以英文声明为准,并仅受安大略省法律约束。